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Get outta' 'ma face!

This video is seven seconds long.

I have enhanced (or wasted) twenty minutes of my life watching this over.

And over.

And over.

Partly because it makes me laugh.

Partly because it reminds me of myself as a child.


And partly because it is so applicable to my life today.


When people find out I'm a senior in high school, the first words that explode from their facial orfice is:

"So what are your plans for college and your career path?" 

or more commonly stated,

"So, what are you going to do with your life?"


If someone asks me this one more time,

there is a possibility, I could




I'm not even a legal adult yet.

My female parental unit still goes into the doctor's office with me.

I still cut up my Ramen noodles so they fit in my mouth better.

I can't call 1-800 numbers and order a cheese grater from an infomercial. 

I can't get on Disney Channel dot com without my Mom's permission.


I am still a child. 


I have no clue what I'm doing. 

I still get overwhelmed trying on/buying clothes for myself without my parents approval.


This whole growing up and moving onward and upward thing:

A bit overwhelming. 


College applications and scholarship searches are the scariest words my ears can consume at this moment.

I have succesfully procrastinated this long to look into either one of them. 

The fact that I now HAVE to acknowledge them makes me twitch-y. 

And sweaty. 

And a whole bag of nervous.


So, the next person that asks me about them, I will assume, is volunteering to do all of the above mentioned work for me. 

If you are not signing up for this position, then

"Get outta' 'ma face!"


Fairfarren, Dear Ones. 


P.S. Enjoy this photo of sassy, little-ol' me as a child. 


© 2013 by Skye Parks. All rights reserved. No children, oxen, saltine crackers, octopi, or turtle doves were hurt in the making of this site.

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