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A Sticker that goes beyond the bumber

I was watching the news this morning and had an epiphany.
A triple-a commercial was on and, I typically tune commercials out,
But the voice-over man said something that struck me.

"AAA, go beyond the bumper. "


That got my noggin' going. I will admit: I do tend to get a little bit touchy behind the wheel.I have been known to refer to people by unsavory names. I have kindly encouraged people to get a move on.

Some of those idiots, I mean gifted drivers, have the fish symbol on the back of their mini van.
Which means nothing. When they rudely tailgate or pass me because I'm not going 75 in a 55, I don't look at them and go,
"Aww it's okay, look, the fish symbol, they love Jesus."
What comes out is,
"Listen here you heathen heifer, get off my butt!"

That thought process led me to this: our sticker needs to go beyond the bumper.
Just because we have a fish symbol on our car does not make us holy,  great Chrst-repping Jesus lovers.

It means we have a sticker on our car.

Just because we have a sweat shirt with a cross on it,
A gold cross necklace
Means nothing.
Unless you have actions to back up the label,
You are merely a person standing in a field of grass claiming to be a cow.

You can eat grass and moo all you want, it doesn't make you a cow.
It makes you a person pretending to be a cow.


And crazy.
It also makes you look crazy.

My whole hazzah moment was this:
I want my sticker to go beyond the bumper.
If I say I'm a Christian, I want that to go beyond the church building.
I want that to go beyond my home.

I want to be that soccer mom in the Honda Odessy with the fish symbol that lets everybody go first at a four way stop.
I'm don't want to be the creepy cow guy in the field. 


Fairfarren, Dear Ones.

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