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It's okay to shut up and listen. 

Not going to lie, 

I've really been struggling with hearing from God. 

"Hello, hello, are you there?

We have an exceedingly bad connection, 

do you have Sprint?"

All I hear is static. 


I've gotten so stuck in this rut in my mind that says:

"Skye, you must do a daily devotion.

Then pray, for at least 25 minutes. 

And then have a mini worship concert."


I feel that anything less than that means I didn't put enough effort into my relationship with Him.

That if I don't spend at least 45 minutes in devotions/prayer/etc. 

I'm a horrible person. Who doesn't love Jesus. 


Which, in my head, I know is entirely false.

But that doesn't travel down to my heart where I can feel it. 


But today, through a phone call with a good friend, 

I realised, as she put,

God doesn't want my busy work. 




I don't have to go through religous hoops and circles

to talk to him,

there is no rite of passage I must enter through daily in order to feel close to God. 


Sometimes, God's quiet because He wants me to just shut up and listen (Princess Diaries refernece, for those of you who caught that).

It's okay if I sit down on the couch and say,

"Yo. Today sucked. Let me tell you about it."


The creator of the universe doesn't need me to read a devoition about him for a set time daily.

Not that those aren't helpful and not that I shouldn't do them at all,

but my relationship with God is not based on them.


And that




Fairfarren, Dear ones.


Verse of the Day: Psalms 46:10

© 2013 by Skye Parks. All rights reserved. No children, oxen, saltine crackers, octopi, or turtle doves were hurt in the making of this site.

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